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A hastily thrown together post – I’ve 1001 things to do before going away for a fortnight in two days’ time – recording a short walk that my friend Zoe and I did two Mondays ago, first Friday having metamorphosed into second Monday for once.

We started at Brassknocker Basin, at the end of the Somerset Coal Canal, crossed Dundas Aqueduct over the River Avon, and then went for a while along the Kennet and Avon Canal, before turning back and having an enjoyable lunch at the Angelfish Cafe by our starting point. (I just wish mine could have been served on a plate not a board.) It was a very dull day, and the expected rain set in before we left. Photos courtesy of my phone.

We started bottom left, up, turned right, and continued down to and beyond bottom right, where we turned round.
A glimpse of Dundas Aqueduct through the trees
A better view!
On the aqueduct
Looking down on the Avon
Looking through the trees down to the River Avon
Turn round point, wondering what this construction might once have been used for
Not quite Durer’s ‘Great Piece of Turf’, but it appealed to me
Zoe collecting wild garlic
Canal junction
Swing bridge