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The next time I did my permitted walk, using the same route as previously, I was challenged by Susanpoozan’s comment on my last post to look for other views. Not difficult in fact – I just had to look to my left on the homeward walk, rather than to the right! Nothing spectacular like Glastonbury Tor to see, but some very agreeable sights, nevertheless.

First, a look along the busy road marking the turn-round point, in the other direction.

The footbridge is a private one between the main grounds (right) and some of the residential accommodation (left) of:

That is one open day that will not be happening.

On my way back, the first thing of note that I saw on my left were these splendid gates, the main vehicle entrance to the school.

They were firmly shut, as sadly were these:

As I passed, I turned my camera right, to see what those ‘lonely’ horses were up to. I could only see three of them.

Opposite, to my left was the way in to the equestrian centre. I must see if I can explore it one of these days…

This time though, I went straight on:

Chaffinch. I can be sure that’s what it is as I saw its back as it flew to this point.
In the distance, the Polden Hills, the lowest of the five elevations in Somerset
A tangle of ivy and ash
I could claim to have worked hard to include a fly in this picture of the identifying ash twigs, but it wouldn’t be true.
Lamium (maculatum?)
A hedge hacked in the winter starts to sprout and become handsome again.
Carrion crow
This is Somerset, so we have rather a lot of apple orchards.
Lesser celandine – of which I have thousands in my garden as well.

This stile, leading to a path between a private property and a field, could offer a variant on my walk, but it’s complicated – see two pictures on.
I turned my eyes and camera rightwards again, to see how the sheep were doing.
This lane, to my left as I walk home, goes down to a small river (in fact a canal, cut in the 13th century). It would make variant on the walk, and I have done it in the past, but the caravans, both near and over to the far left (directly beside the river), are lived in by ‘travellers’, and I am a little nervous of going along there on my own.
Not everyone likes dandelions, but I do.
White dead-nettle – lamium album
And five minutes from home, a splendid blackthorn tree
Detail, as the painting people say.